RASCOtight Hydrophilic Systems – preventive joint sealing solutions that swell upon contact with water

RASCOtight hydrophilic products work by expanding their volume upon contact with infiltrating water. The contact pressure built up against the adjoining concrete by this expansion serves to create a watertight barrier. RASCOtight hydrophilic products can be used to waterproof construction joints and penetrations. Some products are self-adhesive while others are fixed mechanically or by (RASCObond) adhesive. The products must always be installed in such a way as to create a complete and continuous system. To prevent premature swelling of the hydrophilic strip materials, these require adequate protection against rainwater and other precipitation prior to concreting. Materials that have swollen must not be cast into the concrete.

Find more information in our RASCOtight Hydrophilic Systems brochure

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Channel

The RASCOtight Hydrophilic Channel is a combination of hydrophilic
strip and injection channel. The hydrophilic strip constitutes the
primary seal, while the injection channel allows the straightforward
and systematic regrouting of any defects.

Hydrophilic channels are suitable for waterproofing all types of permanently accessible construction joint in general building and
civil engineering works.

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Channel

  • Technical Data Sheet RASCOtight Hydrophilic Channel
  • Installation Guideline RASCOtight Hydrophilic Channel

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Strip

RASCOtight QVE Hydrophilic Strip is a waterproofing strip, made
from vulcanized elastomers, that swells upon contact with water.
The hydrophilic strip is finished with a protective coating to delay
initial swelling during installation.
The RASCOtight Hydrophilic Strip (SK) is also available in a
self-adhesive version.

The RASCOtight QVE Hydrophilic Strip is suitable for waterproofing construction joints in general building and civil engineering works, for
sealing shafts, pipe and other penetrations, and as an ancillary measure
for other waterproofing systems.

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Strip

  • Technical Data Sheet RASCOtight QVE Hydrophilic Strip
  • Technical Data Sheet RASCOtight QVE SK Hydrophilic Strip
  • Installation Guidelines RASCOtight QVE Hydrophilic Strip
  • Installation Guidelines RASCOtight QVE SK Hydrophilic Strip

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Paste

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Paste is a one-component polyurethane-based sealant that swells upon contact with water.

In addition to standard joint sealing, RASCOtight Hydrophilic Paste is particularly suitable for waterproofing penetrations with complicated
shapes, e.g. steel sections, anchor heads, cable entries etc.

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Paste

  • Technical Data Sheet RASCOtight Hydrophilic Paste
  • Installation Guideline RASCOtight Hydrophilic Paste
  • Safety Data Sheet RASCOtight Hydrophilic Paste

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Tie Bolt Plut / Gasket

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Tie Bolt Plugs and Gaskets are made from special acrylic polymers that swell upon contact with water.

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Tie Bolt Plugs and Gaskets are used to waterproof plastics or fibre-cement tie bolts.

RASCOtight Hydrophilic Tie Bolt Plug / Gasket

  • Technical Data Sheet RASCOtight Hydrophilic Tie Bolt Plug
  • Installation Guideline RASCOtight Hydrophilic Tie Bolt Plug
  • Technical Data Sheet RASCOtight Hydrophilic Gasket

RASCOtight QB F2.0

RASCOtight QB F2.0 is a hydrophilic waterproofing strip based on prepolymerized acrylate. Due to this chemical base, unlimited reversibility of swelling action is guaranteed under changing loads (dry/moist).

RASCOtight QB F2.0 was developed for the remedial waterproofing of expansion joints subject to relatively large movement, for all types of construction.

RASCOtight QB F2.0

  • Technical Data Sheet RASCOtight QB F2.0
  • Safety Data Sheet RASCOtight QB F2.0